I have used the phrases "Sprechen Sie deutsch?", "Kein Deutsch", and "I don't speak German" way too much this week. Anna started to get the flu on the way back to Berlin. It hit her full force on Monday night leaving her incapacitated to do anything until today. I had to go to the Apotheka, which is German for a pharmacy, and ask the pharmacist if he could speak English. He didn't really answer, just sort of giggled nervously and made a groaning sound that sounded like a no. Anna had told me what to say to him incase, but I mixed up the words so if translated it would sound like "I would like here this!" Yess... I would like here this.
The doctor payed a visit to us last night. After it took Anna 20 minutes to find the number for emergency. Apparentely, it varies for each region and city. It's five numbers.. why do German's have to make everything so complicated? Are they like, "911?? Pft! OUR country has FIVE numbers for emergency which means WE'RE smarter because we have to remeber more.. hah!" Yeah or you die because you can't remember the numbers and it's almost impossible to find the number for it and Germany doesn't have operators so you can't even be funny and be like, "Operator! I need the number for 9-1-1!"
The doctor was a little man who was dressed like he was going to paint a house. His assistant wore a medical mask the entire time and wouldn't even handle the 10 euros that we owed. He tried to tell me something but Berliners speak way too quickly, so all I got out of the sentence was something about our table. I said, "Sorry, I can't speak German.. something on the table?" He looked at me with disgust and then snatched the money out of my hand. Awesome.
So, I'm fine doing shit on my own. I probably look like a giant idiot because they always ask me something after I've paid and I always say "Nein"
"Have a good day!"