Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Teeth & Taxes

My gigantic check list of things to accomplish while in Canada is slowly getting smaller. I am calling this week, Dental Week. I have been to the dentist twice so far and have another visit on Friday. It will be the most I've seen a dentist in about 7 years. Today's visit was pretty fun... I showed up thinking it was my appointment for the second half of the teeth cleaning but no, my dentist plopped me down in the chair then stuck a huge needle into my sensitive gummes. Gummes? Is that how you spell that? I don't know. Anyway, so the dental assistant starts to wedge the clamp for the raincoat on my teeth, but she can't quite get it. After successfully ripping up the gummes around my back molar, I managed to say, "it's fine," and just dealt with the biting pain throughout the session. The filling part wasn't too bad. He had to fix a filling that had come loose. I watched Frasier and pretended that I couldn't feel the drill in my teeth. I didn't want to ask for more freezing, like I usually do, because I didn't feel like having my entire face frozen all night. Now I'm just dealing with a partial freeze. My cheek keeps finding it's way in between my back molars. I'm sure it won't hurt too much once the freezing wears off.

Tomorrow... taxes.