Friday, June 12, 2009


I had a dream last night that I cloned myself so that I could have a baby. Like Jango Fett raising Boba Fett as a son. After a few months, I called my mom and asked how long I had blue eyes for. She said, "About two seconds." But, baby clone me still had blue eyes and it looked like she'd have blonde hair. The doctors tried to explain the process to me but it didn't make sense. Not like, I'm too stupid and can't understand, but they said they used another man's sperm with my eggs... to me that doesn't seem like a clone... to me that's a real baby. Anyway, she looked exactly like me, and I loved her so much...

I think maybe my maternal instincts are starting to invade my dreams now. Freud said that your dreams are a secret wish. I think that's bullshit because sometimes I have really fucked up dreams where the world is ending, and I'm scared to death. Is that my wish? I wish to huddle in my apartment, screaming, while bombs drop over me?

I have PMS, which Anna doesn't seem to understand. Weird since she's a girl and all...

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