Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Random Germany

These pictures are taken in and around Konstanz and Kreuzlingen. Anna found it weird that I was taking pictures of garbage cans, food places, and underpasses... but they're different from canada! Here's the first one.. reminds me of a Slim Pickin's/Dear Diary song...

I've got solar power, I've got solar power.......

This is graffiti near my apartment

The German's love their asparagus

This looks like an old oil drum but it's where they deposit their glass bottles. No money for wine bottles here!

Our dinner friend at the Gay restaurant, Schmitt's, in Konstanz

Weird water fountain nipple in Switzerland

The German children in signs are less co-operative than Canadian signs.. look at the buckling knees!

I want this little van. It's the cutest. It's like those power wheel cars my brothers had when we were little.

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