Friday, April 3, 2009

Afternoon binge haircut

Spring has arrived in Germany... actually, it seems like Germany decided to skip spring all together and go right to summer. Nothing is in bloom yet so it all feels a bit funny. I guess I have to stop hiding behind my coat and get on the road to fitness! At first it was super easy to go for walks.. but it all gets a little boring. Konstanz will be better. Busy streets, waterfronts, and nothing to do!

My mom wants me to come back earlier so Eli can go up north for his job. I would like to, but I don't want to leave Anna so quickly. Last year was hard enough so why put ourselves through that when it's not that neccesary. I think by moving to Nanaimo instead of Vancouver so he can go up north is okay enough.

I need 100 more euros for my ticket home.

Anna got her hair cut today. She doesn't like it, so she decided to chug a glass of vodka and pass out at 2 in the afternoon. I love my wife. I also love her hair cut. I don't know what she's going on about, it looks amazing. Better than the two toned, uneven hair cut she had before (that I gave her with a leg shaver). The colour is chocolate brown and the cut is all nice and layers. I probably shouldn't be writing about her drunkeness on here. She's not a drunk, I swear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish that I could do that maybe just once, there are so many bad days when you just want to "Chug a glass of vodka and pass out at 2pm" although mine would be scotch.